Social Media Services Startups Should Focus On - Digital Marketers' Blog

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Social Media Services Startups Should Focus On

If you are a startup and want to see tremendous growth, then focusing on social media is the way to go. It’s cheaper and much more useful than other digital marketing efforts.

Now, as a startup, you may not have the ability to build a social media team that can take care of all your efforts. So you partner with social media service agencies to provide you with the social media efforts that entice business growth.

So what social media services should be included in the social media strategy? Well, here is a list of services that you should look for when creating a social media marketing strategy with your digital service provider.

Focus On In-Depth Research

Before your social media service provider starts posting, you should make sure that they have done the legwork. In-depth research is imperative if you want to see some success from your social channels.

If you randomly start posting on social media, you won’t see the growth you want. Its basically a waste of your time and efforts, not to mention that you are wasting all the professional social media services.

Before you start scheduling posts, make sure to work on a strategy, and curate social media management and content creation services to designated team members. Remember, you have a startup and not an established business.

You will need a nuanced approach to social media if you want to be a success. Before you take the first step into social media marketing, ensure that you and your team have conducted in-depth social media research. Your initial market research is a starting point, but you will need more for a successful strategy.

Identify Your Social Platforms

When you do your research, you will find out several elements to refine your marketing goals.

There are some important metrics that you need to think about when creating your marketing strategy. Here are some of the most important ones:

Find out where your target market is located.

Find out how your target market behaves online.

Find out how long your target demographic spends time online.

Find out the social media platforms they use the most.

Find out how often they use social media.

Finding the answers to these metrics will help you determine which social media platforms and services to focus on. Otherwise, you will just be wasting your marketing budget.

Same Handle For Every Social Platform

On social media, people need to identify you and your startup. That means you have to use the same social handle for all your social accounts. It will make following you easier.

When you use different aliases, your target audience might get confused about who you are or whom you say.

It would be best to make your brand identity crystal clear because your competitors are looking to pounce on any confusion you might create. So make sure you use the same handle everywhere.

Create An Air Tight Social Media Marketing Plan

So now that the primary social media services you should focus on are out of the way. Let’s talk about the main aspects. We have been talking about creating a killer social media marketing plan from the firs.

Asking about a social media marketing plan should be one of the first queries when talking to a social media management service provider.

Remember, you don’t need a highly specific plan when starting, but you will need separate plans for each social platform. You should set weekly and monthly goals for the social media service providers to make it easier to track your startup’s social growth.

Mastering The Social Platforms That You Are On

Concentrating your efforts is the key to finding success on social media. Contrary to popular belief trying to master all the social media platforms can be counter-productive for your startup.

More social media accounts don’t mean more exposure. You will know where your target audience spends the most time from your social media market research, and focusing on those social platforms will increase your chances of exposure.

Building Your Brand’s Image

You need to work closely with your social media content service provider to craft your brand’s image carefully. Remember, that is how you appeal to your target audience. Find out what you want to say, what you are offering, and what your audience needs.

Then combine all of that to create your brand’s image. Remember that showing value and relevance is key to building the perfect brand image. Try showing why and where you are adding value to their community.

Study the language of your target audience. Understand what they want and craft and cultivate an image that matches their demand. It is one of the best ways to ensure your social media marketing efforts are a success.

Consistency Is Key

We have hinted at it before, and we cannot stress it enough. If you want to see social media growth, then consistency is key. By now, you have a social media marketing plan and are focusing on the right platforms while building the perfect brand image.

All of this tells you that consistency is key to social success. When you create a social media content strategy, ensure that you have a schedule where you are posting consistently.

That will ensure your audience is always engaged, and your startup will always stay in their mind. Consistency doesn’t mean posting daily or hourly and then not posting the next day or month at all.

You should keep a schedule and post at the same time, always even if it’s weekly. Make sure that there is no gap, and you are consistently posting on your social channels.

Utilize Social Media Management Tools

We here at Solutionery have ample experience working with startups. Our social media management services are designed to maximize social growth for new businesses. 

Social Media Management Tools - Solutionery

With our social media management experience, we can say with certainty that you need to integrate a social media management tool. These tools help you remain consistent on social platforms.

You can schedule and deploy social media updates from one single dashboard saving your valuable time. We worked with a few different social management tools, but we have seen the best result with the following tools:




Social Flow

Now we ask you to do your research when choosing social media management tools. However, any of the marketing automation tools listed above can work for your startup.

So that concludes our list of social media services you should focus on as a startup. When partnering with a social media management service provider, you can discuss these factors to determine whether they are the right fit for you.

If you have any confusion or questions about any social media services we listed or about social media management, please contact our social media experts.

Our social managers will be more than happy to answer any of your queries. Well, that’s it for now. We will come back soon with some juicy information soon. Until then, see ya!

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