A Complete Guide To Digital Marketing and its Trend | Freelancers Hub - Digital Marketers' Blog

Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Complete Guide To Digital Marketing and its Trend | Freelancers Hub

We all want to know about digital marketing trends to gauge our strategy according to them. However, for those who haven’t aced digital marketing need to have complete guide on it before moving towards current marketing trends. So, in this guide, we’ll go through each type of digital marketing explaining everything basic you need to know. Let’s start!

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is all about targeting the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and others for boosting organic traffic as well as improving the website ranking. There are a lot of things that are part of SEO. It is a detailed and comprehensive process that includes a good number of practices and rules.

People may wonder why they should target search engines and how they can do it. The reason is that more than 96% organic traffic comes from just Google, the biggest search engine. Traffic coming from Google is organic and the most relevant for a business. This is one of the factors Google considers while it ranks your website.

So following all the rules and guidelines for improving your website ranking is called search engine optimization. The target is to achieve better site ranking, boost organic traffic and make your business stay atop so that you are considered the best in your niche. This will remain one of the most wanted digital marketing trends for years to come.

Below are more things that are considered integral for new digital trends of search engine optimization.

a. Keyword Ranking

Keyword ranking is an essential segment of search engine optimization process. It starts with selection of the best and the most relevant keywords in your niche. For example, if you sell electronic gadgets, you will choose keywords like gadgets, best electronic gadgets, cheaper gadgets etc.

The keywords are what make it easy for a user to reach your business website. Ranking the site on top is the most important thing because 74% users never ignore first link whereas 80% ignore paid links and move to the first organic result. The leads from search engines have 14.6% conversion rate.

b. Local SEO

Local SEO is a bit different than traditional SEO. The focus of a site in local SEO is to target the local customers and users. It is one of the most promising digital media trends. Local SEO has huge importance because 72% who do local search definitely visit the store or business outlets.

Moreover, 50% people who did local search visited the stores within a single day. In local SEO, a business target google maps, directories, listing, and other things where the users will find the local business with ease.

c. Organic Search

Organic search is also a part of SEO and current marketing trends. They are still preferred by SEO experts for many reasons. The first reason is that organic search still works, they have been working for a long time. It is inevitable for a business website to consider organic search so that more users and potential customers reach them.

d. Mobile Search

Without any doubt, mobile search is the future in SEO. More than 60% users use their phones for browsing and shopping purposes. 52% of the all traffic was from mobile phones. For this, every site should have a mobile-friendly version of their site. They can also target mobile-first indexing introduced by Google to rank your sites better for mobile versions.

e. Web Visibility

Increasing web visibility is meant for increasing the business exposure and making it accessible for more users. SEO is one way you can increase the web visibility. It plays a significant role in making a business attract more customers, make more sales and earn more profit.

f. Backlink Profile Growth

Backlink profile is your identity what makes you get quality backlinks from organic sources. The better your profile looks, the easier you will be in getting more quality backlinks from the high domain authority websites. This is a part of content marketing and link building which is considered the backbone of SEO.

Social Media Optimization and Marketing

Just like search engine optimization, social media optimization and social media marketing as well also has its own significance. Social sites are considered vital platforms for getting huge traffic, boosting your business, sharing content, running ads and using them for better business results. We will see how and what platforms of social media are used for social media optimization and marketing and what are the digital marketing best practices.

a. Facebook

Facebook is considered the biggest social site for marketing and business optimization. You can create quality content for this site. Content longer than 1500 words gets 22% more response. Moreover, 75-90% social media optimization is all about images. 74% people use Facebook for professional purposes so it has a huge potential for every business. It is old but still as popular as latest marketing trends.

Moreover, Facebook is often thought of as a medium for just B2C marketing, but B2B digital marketing trends suggest that Facebook works for B2B marketers and businesses too.

b. Twitter

Next comes Twitter which is also considered one of the best social sites for business promotion and marketing. Twitter has a serious fan base, the users are grown and mature. More than 88% companies with 100 or more employees use Twitter for marketing purposes. The platform has a huge potential for making or breaking any business.

c. LinkedIn

For B2B and B2C, LinkedIn is considered an ideal source of marketing. 80% of B2B leads come from this site whereas 13% come from Twitter. 94% B2B businesses choose LinkedIn to share and distribute content. This is the number one platform for B2B. What makes it so useful for businesses? The mature and grown users, the professionals and the bosses using this social website for relationship building.

d. Pinterest

45% women and 17% men have Pinterest accounts. The site is considered ideal for social media marketing. 80% millennials say they get help from this website when it comes to buying and choosing products. The marketers target it and reach potential customers.

e. Instagram

The image and video sharing website has become one of the hottest social sites for business and marketing. Celebrities use it too often. Now they have made it even easier for users to find and buy products on Instagram without leaving it. 60% people find products on Instagram while 75% take actions when they see products by visiting stores and buying the products.

f. SnapChat

SnapChat is also one of the popular social sites for business marketing and also influencing new digital trends. Like Facebook, SnapChat has huge number of users most of which are teens and young kids. Businesses can target their potential users or customers on the site to attract them to their business and convince them to buy products.

Video Marketing

Of many digital marketing trends, video marketing is one of the most influential one. That’s because visual content is more appealing and attractive for the users so video manage to get more views and better response. There can be different types of marketing videos.

a. Product Videos

These days, a lot of brands and companies target users with product videos. Such videos are explainers that help the customers understand products, their use, benefits, how to use them, the best features, why they are better and how they can order them. This type of content gets better response.

b. Social Videos

Recently, Facebook has monetized video content for the publishers. People are making money from videos by using ads. But it is also a good way to market your business, share the videos on social media sites and reach out to more target users and potential customers. Videos on social media sites get faster and better response, users are in billions so there are more prospects of reaching customers.

c. YouTube Videos

YouTube videos are no doubt one of the best digital marketing best practices to promote your business and products. Many Vloggers and influencers market products of relevant brands because they get paid. The business gets more and new customers. People love watching videos and future is all about video content as less people want to read on the web.

Email Marketing

There is another way for marketing and that is through emails. When people think of online marketing trends, they don’t value email marketing whereas it offers the one of the best ROI.

There are many reasons why email marketing is useful and beneficial for every business. Studies show that average open rate for emails is more than 18% in all industries. Moreover, emails let a business connect with potential customers many of which actually end up visiting stores and buying products.

When it comes to using emails for your business, you have to be careful. Personalization of emails increases the response rate up to 100% and this is one of the important things everyone should consider. Sending more follow-up emails is another thing that leads to better response.

Furthermore, to follow current marketing trends, while writing emails you should choose the words and content carefully. It should be neither short nor long. Emails with 200-250 words got 19% response while those with 50 words got 17% response. 49% of all businesses use email automation for email marketing. Lastly, sending too many emails can irritate users. 78% people unsubscribed emails from a business or brand because they were getting too many emails.

Mobile Emails

According to digital media trends, 80% people access emails through their mobiles and this is a huge reason to use email marketing for your business. Another study showed that mobile is responsible for 50% of the all the email open rate. Moreover, mobile users check their emails 3 times more than other users. These are the good reasons to use email marketing as a powerful tool to reach out to the customers and potential clients.

Paid Advertising

Most of what we discussed above about business marketing was free. People don’t need to spend anything but efforts. But there are some other ways which are paid. The paid advertising is also popular among the marketers. There are a number of ways of using paid advertising for your business marketing.

Pay Per Click (PPC), mobile advertising, ad-blocking, pop-up advertising and many other methods of paid advertising are used. 64% people click on Google ads while they visit website and search for products. 60% of the users every week click on mobile ads. 4 out of 5 people leave websites because of pop-up ads. These facts show what works and what irritates the users in paid advertising.

a. Search Network

This is one of the networks people and marketers use for paid advertising. It has proved very effective and useful for the businesses that want to target potential customers and clients. The response rate is also impressive.

b. Video and Display

Whenever you watch videos, either on Facebook or YouTube, there come an ad in the start as well as in the mid of the videos while you watch them. These ads are paid ads and the prospects with such kind of paid advertising are high. Businesses actually get some useful results from this kind of advertisement. A worthy addition in latest marketing trends.

c. Social Media

Most of the social sites allow users to run funded campaigns. You will have to pay for the ads and the social platform lets you make it possible for the ad to reach the most number of relevant audience. Facebook Pages run ads to target customers and users. This is one of the most promising new digital trends to promote business, new products and get exposure.

Lead Generation

Another of the online marketing trends you must know is lead generation. It is a process in which the businesses or brands convert the visitors or users into prospects and future clients. This is done on the basis of users’ interest. This is one of the unique ways to attract people to your business.

Lead generation is a part of inbound marketing strategy. It is all about converting strangers into customers because you need to sell products or services to make money without which no business can survive. There are multiple ways when it comes to lead generation. Some people use blogs, others use emails and social media.

Content is one of the options you can use to generate more leads and 53% marketers use content for lead generation. It is considered digital marketing best practices. Many people use email marketing as well as paid advertising to generate leads. Social media is also one of the best options when it comes to generating leads. Some brands offer free trials to generate leads and convert users into customers. 68% B2B business use strategic landing pages for lead generation. A majority of marketers, 61%, generate leads and it is their top priority for the business.

Content Marketing

In digital media trends and SEO, content is considered the king. It is content, in one way or the other, which makes or breaks your marketing strategy. Creating quality and informative content is what works in marketing for your business. It is a detailed process that includes research, topic selection, keyword selection, creating content, using it for your marketing.

Content can be used as blogs for SEO as well as in link building. When you get backlinks from the bloggers, you have to provide them with relevant and quality content. In return, they provide you with a backlink that can improve your site ranking.

A study found that brands that create blogs get 97% more links to their website. The more links a site gets, the faster it will be ranked. The number of backlinks is one of the factors Google considers while it ranks websites. Moreover, content with title of 6-13 words is more attractive than longer or shorter titles. The same study also concluded that B2B companies that did blogging received more traffic than other businesses.

However, the most important thing is content creation. You need writers with SEO knowledge so that they can create the best, the most relevant and targeted content. Whether it be blogs or guest posts, you should focus on quality and informative content because this what the users want.

Below are some general online marketing trends and facts that are a must-know.

a. B2B Digital Marketing Trends

92% B2B marketers prefer LinkedIn over other social sites.

By 2023, the spending on marketing automation tools will be around $25 billion.

Content marketing costs a company 60% less than traditional marketing but creates three times more leads.

SEO has 15% conversion rate as compared to traditional methods which have 1.7% conversion rate.

When compared with social sites, search engines drive 300% more traffic to websites.

81% businesses use videos for marketing their brands.

On average, YouTube costs advertisers $0.10 to $0.30 per view.

Segmented emails have 208% more conversation rate.

b. B2C Digital Marketing Trends

96% smartphone search is done through Google search engine.

Before making a purchase, 50% people look for product videos to get understanding.

60% people are more likely to buy products recommended by YouTubers than TV stars.

More than 70% users pay no attention to sponsored content.

New marketing trends suggest that 93% of online experience begins with a simple search on a search engine.

60% of the users will click on top three results against their search.

Around 50% people searching online use four words or longer phrases. This also shows that long tail keywords are more effective.

There are 1.4 billion active daily users on Facebook which is more than the population of China.

Current marketing trends suggest that more than 60% marketers believe Facebook is the best and most important social media platform.

For marketers, Instagram is the second most used platform after Facebook.

Twitter has more than 325 million active users every month.

The revenue of LinkedIn in fiscal year 2018 was over $5 billion.

93% people use Pinterest to plan purchases and buying.

According to 84% small and medium sized businesses WhatsApp lets them communicate with customers.

30% internet users use ad-blockers in the US to avoid paid ads.

That’s it. We hope you learned something from this guide. Let us know your thoughts about new marketing trends.

Originally posted in : https://freelancers-hub.com/a-complete-guide-to-digital-marketing/

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