A Guide To Facebook Insights For New Businesses - Digital Marketers' Blog

Sunday, October 17, 2021

A Guide To Facebook Insights For New Businesses

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, and it’s a big part of businesses that are trying to get a foothold in digital space. Now to perfectly optimize your Facebook account to drive performance, then you need to analyze data.

We wouldn’t say it is a hard thing to do but with analytical data available from Google Ads and tools like Facebook Insights you can analyze data easily. With the help of Facebook Insights, you will be able to track user interaction on your FB page.

It will also help you track the number of active users for you to better understand performance. The free tool from Facebook is a great way to ensure that the user engagement and impressions go through the roof for your FB page.

You will get a better understanding of what type of content drives engagement and which time of the day. You should be posting your content.

You will also be able to create a better strategy for your weekly posts as well. One thing that sets FB insights apart is the fact that it is constantly getting updated.

With constant updates from Facebook insights, you will be informed on every step of the way on the page’s development and spot trends way before it fully surfaces. Giving you an upper hand for growth.

Now, this much data may seem a daunting task to analyze but it’s not really if you know what to look for and that’s what we are going to talk about here today.

We have created a simple guide to Facebook Insights for anyone who wants a bit more out of their Facebook page’s performance. So let’s get into it.

Accessing The Free Tool

So this is the FB Insights dashboard. Here the first thing you will see metrics like the total number of likes, friends of fans available, how many people are actively talking about you, and your weekly reach.

Checking The Viral Aspect

With FB Insights, you can sort out your posts to better categorize your social media plan. There are different categories for your page’s content, like all the post types, posts, photos, links, videos, platform posts, questions.

These come in handy if you want to look closely into one area of your page’s performance, like a video post you made earlier in the week.

With FB Insights, you can check the data coming from every single post. You will be able to see the date the content was posted, the title of the post, its how far it reached.

You can also see how many people are interacting with a particular post and how many people are sharing it. Lastly, you will also see a percentage of how popular the content is in terms of your audience.

All of this will help you determine the virality of the post and ensure you can create a perfect technique to create viral posts. Even with the basic information from Facebook Insights, we can assure you that you will be able to craft a social media strategy that will increase your branding, reach, and traffic.

Dissecting “Likes”

When you look at the “react” data, you will be able to see the age, location, and demographic of the audience. You will have ample data to see which age group is your biggest audience.

All this data will help you carefully craft content your audience wants to see, and it will help your overall social media performance bottom line. You can also check out who “unliked” or reacted differently to your posts.

FB Insights also lets you see “new react” numbers. These types of data help you retarget the audience you lost by checking out the day posts on the day you lost some of your audience. With metrics like this, you can find out the chinks in your content and make content that drives engagement.

Working On Your Social Reach

You already knew these stats, but did you know that you can work on your brand awareness campaign by looking at the reach your FB page has.

Facebook insights show you if your content is reaching your followers, who are talking about your brand, and show you if your followers are sharing your content.

It also shows you whether or not your audience is talking about your content or not. The reach and frequency section shows you total page views, and unique visitor views along with it showing your reach with organic searches paid searches and viral searches.

With all the data in your hand, you can easily see where you need to put in more effort when crafting your branding strategy on Facebook.

Take Advantage Of “Talking About Your Page” Data

Well, with the data from this section, you will be able to track and see exactly that. You will be able to see the trend in popularity for your ads and posts, and it will give you an idea about crafting the perfect campaign.

Looking At “Check-In” Data

It also showcases your business to new people who see that their friends like and trust your business. Now when you look into the “check-in” section for your business, you will get all the pertinent data like the number of people who have checked in, where they live, whether they are male or female, etc.

All of these data will help you a great deal with your remarketing campaigns and create a more well rounded social media marketing strategy.

Detailed Data Analysis

Lucky for us Facebook Insights, have just what we need. They offer data export options for Facebook pages. You can download all the data into an excel format that has a host of other metrics that paint a much more detailed picture of the audience activity on your Facebook page.

The Freelancer’s Hub social media managers use information like key metrics, daily like sources, daily viral reach, etc when creating our social media strategy of clients.

Our social media management services tend to be an amalgamation of thorough data analysis, unique content development, and rigorous posting schedule.

So if you are anything like us, then you would want to download all the data from FB insights. You can look at lifetime likes and total daily reach and other metrics that will provide unique perspectives when building a social media strategy.

Simple & Effective

Now, if you are having trouble with data analysis, then you can ask one of our social media managers. They can do a sweep of your FB page and let you know what can be done to make sure it the page geared to perform. So until then, See Ya!

Originally posted in: https://freelancers-hub.com/guide-to-facebook-insights-for-new-businesses/

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