How to develop a Digital Marketing Strategy for E-commerce Business? - Digital Marketers' Blog

Monday, December 20, 2021

How to develop a Digital Marketing Strategy for E-commerce Business?

The digital marketing environment is constantly subject to change with new innovations and strategies coming to the fore on all fronts and it becomes the prerogative of every business to keep pace with the changing scenario.

If you are in the ecommerce business the onus on you becomes that much more important as it is innovative, effective and foolproof digital marketing for ecommerce strategies that would sail you through the turbulent waters of the New Year 2018.

Hence it would be prudent to peruse through some of the pertinent and strategic issues that we could work within, if we are to be ready for the competition which would not leave any stone unturned, to throw the gauntlet of competitiveness at you.

The following 10 digital marketing for ecommerce strategies would be best looked deep into, if you are really contemplating of giving your competition something to think about and for you to be leading them from the front.

1. Develop Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The digital marketing industry has embraced Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies which are known to be the future of our unfolding digital world, with digital communications proliferating and globalization extending at unprecedented levels.

The digital ad market is projected to grow to US $ 77.37 Billion in the year 2018, and all digital marketing for ecommerce professionals are gearing up to stake a claim to a slice of this lucrative cake, and you should too, as it is there to be enjoyed, if you could use the right strategies.

Innovative AI technologies could be extensively used in “one to one” close interaction with potential customers, emphasize on product information, increase and sustain effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies and also looking deep into the pulse of the total ecommerce environment.

2. Derive benefits from Augmented Reality (AR)

The digital marketing platform is ideal to take your digital marketing for ecommerce visually realistic campaigns right onto the palm of your potential customers through their technologically advanced mobile devices.

Smartphones, tablets, iPods etc could be employed to bring real-life experiences and how your product could enhance their busy lifestyles and how best they could engage with you and derive the optimum benefits offered to them by just tapping on their mobile devices.

Potential customers use their mobile devices extensively and about 60% to 70% acknowledge that their mobile devices have augmented their busy lives and have provided the inroads for you to give them just what they would want to see.

3. Initiate Data Visualization (DV)

Potential customers are very busy with their heavy work and other issues and if they want to engage with you, would want to see data on what you would offer which you are now able to offer in visualized form right to their palms via their mobile devices.

Data Visualization (DV) should be extensively to engage with potential customers, who would like to assimilate all information they could get through what you say, your competition say’s and also collaborate then with information available on the Internet.

Customers have all the information they want if they would want to look for it, hence it would be your prerogative to ensure that they get everything they need to know to engage with you at the tap of their fingertips.

4. Utilize Slideshare

An impressive 400,000 presentations are being uploaded onto the digital platform every month by Slideshare enabling either individuals or digital marketing for ecommerce professional to employ any of them and bring forth exquisite content to any audience that they would envisage.

This could be used as a cloud based slide strategy and bring together other platforms to ensure that with a lead generation capability embedded into it to direct more traffic towards you.

5. Marry Traditional and Digital marketing strategies

There are nostalgic memories of our traditional marketing strategies which have more or less diluted off on the horizon after the digital platform encompassed everything but there is some potential customers out there who would react to something traditional.

It has been researched and studies have concluded that the Millennials and Gen Z consumers are reaching into the past and visualizing what they have not been a party to, in their quest to seek modernity at its best with everything turning to digital during their lifetime.

Banking on a digital marketing for ecommerce strategy to rope them in would be in your better interests.

6. Get onboard the social media

A mind-boggling 2 PLUS billion social media users on FaceBook alone every month offers you an immense opportunity to take your ecommerce business to all of them, which would bring exposure on the digital marketing platform like none other.

FaceBook brought their innovative FaceBook Pages Manager app to better streamline how potential customers and companies who would like to engage with them could better interact to the benefit of both sections effectively.

7. Think Big, as Big Data is

Segmenting, native marketing and personalization is what Big Data, the new platform which would tip the scales at a stupendous US $ 102 Billion by the year 2019 is envisaged to deliver, especially for the ecommerce industry which could use it extensively.

8. Using mobile devices

Mobile devices are proliferating and about 80% of them have access to the internet via smart phones and other such devices which provides effective digital marketing for ecommerce strategies to be taken fast and first right to their palms wherever they would be.

Using this very powerful medium to our advantage would be our prerogative especially when such a huge audience is available to us worldwide.

9. Creative Content Marketing

Creative content marketing is known to bring home 3 times more leads at 62% less cost and it has been in the forefront since the digital marketing platform started its loud bang in world business.

10. Video marketing

There is no issue on this, as customers would like to see videos of what they would want to buy or engage with rather than reading pages of information detailed out.

Quick videos showing everything that a customer wants to know in a few seconds would make a better impression than reading content, due the time factor.

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